Brilliantly simple: This is how the campingbox works

The QUQUQ module has been cleverly designed and is practical down to a T: the bed folds out by pulling a handle and even has a 10 cm-thick cold foam mattress. There’s no need to piece together any individual parts, nor any need to rearrange your vehicle. The kitchen even comes equipped with a 2-burner stove, 20 l of drinking water, a sink, worktop and storage area and can be used from the word go. What’s more, you can access all the facilities at the same time, and all without the fuss of making any alterations.

Light, robust and compatible

The QUQUQ box is extremely robust, yet so light that it can be lifted by hand. All the materials we use, such as aluminium, waterproof multiplex and stainless steel, guarantee you can use this product for years to come. And if you change your vehicle – no problem: QUQUQ KombiBox fits in over 40 different types of high roof vans, and our BusBox fits in over 60 different buses and transporters.

Five good reasons for QUQUQ:



QUQUQ is a compact system without any lose parts.



Pop QUQUQ in your car in the blink of an eye. Make the bed in a jiffy. The kitchen is good to go in no time.



The cold foam mattress is really comfortable. On the 2-burner stove you can cook properly.



QUQUQ is made of aluminium, waterproof multiplex, steel and stainless steel – handmade in Germany.



QUQUQ fits in many different vehicles and can be changed from one to another.